It is 2:30 AM and you are fast asleep in your bed. If you had decided to get out of bed at this moment and go to the door, you might see a dark apparition. It is a good thing your gate locks securely. Only problem is the gate is easy to hop over. A burglar jumps the gate, then breaks into your home with ease. Before you can get out of your bedroom, the thief is gone with your most valuable possessions.
Your fence failed to do the one thing it was intended for: protect your boundaries. Fences are designed to demarcate your property and, ideally, protect people from coming in. What happens when that promise is taken advantage of by a lesser fence?
The most common fence height is six feet, but that does not stop people from scaling fences. Even the President of the United States is not safe from someone that wants to climb your fence. A fence should guarantee more than basic privacy. It should also help provide security that you need.
Why would I need a secure privacy fence?
According to 2013 statistics for Austin, TX, there were more than 45,000 recorded crimes that occurred within the city. Again, this is only crimes known about by the police. This means every 1 in 20 people will have a crime committed against them that are known by the police.

In another analysis, it is estimated that 1 in 21 people in Austin can have a property crime happen to them at any time. More than 30% of all crime going on in Austin is either a theft, robbery, or burglary.
If you have a fence that is easily seen through, you have a problem. Because of the large percentage of theft, you need to take proper precautions. Having a fence that prevents people from getting into your home space should be your top concern. Do not be one of the 21 people that will be affected by property crime.
Is my privacy fence secure?
Security depends on three factors: scalability, materials used, and your gate etiquette. Keeping all of these elements in mind for your fence can mean the difference between having a haven or a hub for criminal activity.
As mentioned above, fences can be easy to climb. If you utilize the right techniques to build it, you can prevent your fence from being climbed. This will keep the bad guys out and give you the ultimate privacy you need.
Utilizing a planked fence may be the best thing to prevent people from climbing. The wide, connected nature of a wooden fence prevents hands from grasping onto the fence. Without a wide plank, a thief could propel themselves upwards by grabbing onto the narrower beams. This would allow them to get up and over easily.
Materials used
In terms of privacy, you need to use the right materials. If a thief or other nuisance cannot get in by climbing, they may get in by smashing through the fence. Many fence companies utilize cheap wood to get the fence built. This may help it look good, but it does not offer the same integrity as a well built, well-fortified structure.
This means going with the best wood or metal choices available. Things such as wrought iron or a good Ranchers Fencing wood privacy fence. Make sure you use the best wood for your fence to guarantee a sturdy strength.
Gate Etiquette
You have a sturdy fence and you are sure it is unclimbable. What about the gate you have in your fence? If your gate is easily unlatched, you could be ensuring trouble when the criminal element comes around.
This can be solved easily by installing proper latches and hinges. Make sure your gate hinges do not have visible screws on the outside. That way, burglars cannot unscrew the hinge and simply take the gate off the fence. Additionally, the latch should have a lock. A padlock when you are away should do just fine, keeping your gate locked and keeping your home safe.
A high fence can help stop robberies. If you have a fence that is easily scalable, you are inviting a criminal element into your home. Fortifying your fence and gate with the necessary accessories can help prevent crime. This can give you the peace of mind needed to sleep at night. If you live in Austin and are interested in a new fence or gate installation, don’t wait. Contact Ranchers Fencing now and get started on a more secure home.